Christopher Ross
Christopher Ross is a veteran Web Developer who’s developed with WordPress for the past five years. He’s contributed over 25 plugins to the WordPress community, works to optimize themes and develops WordPress websites for startups, national firms and trains small business owners on the power of blogging.
Why WordPress?
WordPress offers the most effective method possible for helping non-technical end users learn to manage their own website solutions. When I started using it, I was just looking to save myself some time developing an underpriced website but the client became the most engaged client I had because WordPress helped him take control of his own website.
What are you most looking forward to at WordCamp Toronto?
Meeting great WordPress people.
Why did you decide to speak at WordCamp Toronto?
I believe in Open Source and WordPress but beyond that, I feel that the more I give to the community, the more that I take away every time.
What is your talk going to be about?
How to earn a living giving away something that’s free.
What is one thing you want people to walk away with from your talk?
I want people to know that the struggle to succeed is worth the effort and that WordPress is the best tool to build something great. Bloggers, designers and developers should know that with WordPress, they’re going to succeed faster and easier than if they do it on their own.
Bonus: What is your favourite WordPress plugin or theme? Why?
JetPack without fail.
The Site Stats are beautiful and help my clients know what works and why.
The Shortcodes save me days of programming and it’s a beautiful package.
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