with Elida Arrizza in the Designer track
Wireframes. Such a mysterious and elusive term. You may have heard rumours that they exist deep in the depths of waste bins napkins to top secret security compounds. Legend states that wireframes transcend powerful benefits of website creation. But some say could be dangerous to use or almost extinct. Could this be all true?
If blueprints are to a building, what wireframes are to a website, you could be missing out on fundamental knowledge. Let us embark on a LoFi to HiFi journey, discovering wireframe types, tools and much more.
Learning outcomes
- Overall, people will come away with a solid grasp on how and when to use wireframes.
- Better understanding of how wireframes are central to connecting code, design and content during planning and production.
- Expose Wireframes for those who do not have “”inside access””. For example solo freelancers without team experience or official training in wireframing.
- A novice will gain basic wireframe skills (or become more comfortable) using wireframes for as planning and communication tool. Those who do have some experience will gain more confidence of how to approach wireframes when needed.