WP Front-End Editors

With Jacques Surveyer in the User/Admin track.

Drag and drop Visual Designers have a checkered history in software development: too proprietary, too complex to learn, generate low-performance spam code, etc. But there is no doubt that Visual Design tools like Microsoft Visual Studio,various versions of Eclipse, NetBeans, Sencha Visual Designer, and others retain allegiance among very large groups of developers.

Now in the past 3-5 years WordPress has seen the emergence of frontend Visual Theme Designers that can be applied to both posts and pages. Headway Themes, Pagelines DMS, Ultimatum and Bakery’s Visual Composer are among these tools.


This presentation will examine the question – is there a rock solid WordPress Visual Designer?

All attendees will benefit from the general review and demo of WordPress Visual Design tools. WordPress designers and developers will get specific insights on the features and methods used by the major tools:

  • The top 4 WordPress Visual Design tools
  • The common features provided by all the tools
  • The unique features and component/widgets provided by each tool
  • Each tools support for mobile and responsive designs
  • Each tools support of popular eCommerce plugins and server-side connections
  • An assessment of the costs and trade-offs of each tool
  • Futures including Automatic designating one tool as preferred interface creation tool