Content Creator’s Toolbox

Session Description

Writers, photographers, painters, sculptors. Attorneys, accountants, dentists, doctors. Drivers, divers, mechanics, sailors.

What do they have in common? Tools!

Every occupation works with tools, and if you’re publishing to the web with WordPress, the same holds true for you. In this session we’ll explore a whole bunch of free tools and WordPress plugins that’ll help you level up your content creation efforts.

This session is suitable for anyone that regularly hits the “Publish” button, be it for a personal blog, online store, or anything in between.

Learning Outcomes

The attendees will learn how to:

* Use free online tools to produce content assets (e.g. images, video, audio) for their WordPress site.

* Use free online tools to monitor, improve, and promote content (e.g. analytics, copy editing, data collection, automated social sharing).

User level

All attendees are welcome to come to this session but the ones that will likely benefit the most are beginner users of WordPress.


The technical knowledge required to understand this session is to have a basic understanding of using WordPress (editing and publishing posts or pages).
