Sponsor Spotlight: Trew Knowledge

Our Sponsor Spotlight series showcases the people and organizations who are supporting WordCamp Toronto 2015 through financial or in-kind contributions. Learn more about this year’s sponsors.

Trew KnowledgeWhat is Trew Knowledge?

Trew Knowledge is an award winning digital marketing agency located in Toronto. We deliver solutions that leverage our innovative vision, technical prowess, and unmatched customer service.

Specializing in large-scale WordPress websites, our team of experts can assist you with custom-built themes, plugins, code review, content migration, and consultation.

As the first and only Canadian based WordPress.com VIP Featured Partner, we have exclusive access to the WordPress VIP collaboration and support team that allows us to provide unparalleled value and exceptional development expertise for our clients.”

Why WordPress?

“WordPress has evolved so much over the last few years. What was once considered a blogging platform now powers some of the largest websites in the world. Websites aside, WordPress can be also used to run powerful web applications. It is reasons like this why we at Trew Knowledge love working with WordPress every day.”

What’s your advice to WordCamp attendees?

“There are very few limitations with what you can do with WordPress. Get creative and build something innovative. See what might be missing in the WordPress community and fill that void.”