Sponsor Spotlight – GoDaddy

GoDaddy Pro is for all the web designers and developers who build and maintain websites – particularly WordPress sites – for other people. It automates routine maintenance tasks, consolidates client management tools into one dashboard and gives you 30% off all new GoDaddy products plus 5% in-store credit on every new purchase. And it’s 100% free.

WordPress is not only easy to use but recognized throughout the world as a standard in website creation. It’s more advanced than the typical website builder and has a huge number of plugins available to help users customize their sites and make them function at the optimal level for each individual user.

WordPress collaboration has helped to provide all WordPress users, including GoDaddy customers, with more robust options to achieve their best, most successful online presence.

Let’s be real, you’ve all heard someone’s opinion about GoDaddy’s services for people that use WordPress and build sites for others. It’s because of those vocal opinions that we’ve been able identify areas for improvement and make changes and we want you to try it for yourself. Find Andy McIlwain if you’re interested in checking out the changes for yourself.

Visit GoDaddy

Make sure you have your ticket to #WCTO before they sell out!

WordCamp Toronto 2017 is over. Check out the next edition!