Fast and furious: using Redis as a WordPress object cache

WordPress makes dozens (or hundreds) of SQL queries every time it serves a page. Every single one of them involves MySQL, and many of them hit the disk. Learn how Redis can turn those hundreds of queries into a handful, speeding up your site and reducing the load on your database.

Along the way, you’ll learn about WordPress transients (a way of storing data temporarily in the WordPress database), see the world’s most technically-compliant cache, and learn secondhand about server crashes (so you don’t have to learn firsthand).

In the session, you will receive the preliminary results of experiments to evaluate the impact of Gutenberg on a site’s database load. For example, does the way Gutenberg blocks are stored or the standardization of blocks reduces the hits on the server?

In this talk, you’ll learn:

  • How WordPress transients work
  • setting up an external object cache with Redis
  • simple Redis monitoring
